The Tool Bar menu shown on many screens within Skyware shows several buttons, giving quick access to various functions. Not all tool bars appear the same, depending on the screen the tool bar is used with, different functions will be available. The functions available are most commonly represented by an icon on the button, but sometimes, the button is labeled with a word instead. This means that the tool bars across the top of a configuration screen, or the account or folio screens, will appear different, being tailored to the screen on display - allowing you to perform different tasks (such as generate new entries or replicate a current entry on the configuration screen, or make changes to an account or reservation, view special requests, or view any sales calls made on the account or folio screens).
Note: Not all functions are available at ALL times. If an icon appears in the tool bar but is grayed out, it indicates the function IS available for use with the current screen, BUT not at the current time. Often some other action must first be performed before the icon will become "live" and available for use. (For example, the save icon may not be available until you have made a change that will require saving to be updated).
Several icons appear on many tool bars within Skyware and are therefore considered "common". There are also several tool bar icons which appear on few types of screen, but you may see often - some of the most important tool bars in Skyware are those found on the accounts screens, such as a guest account or group booking, or the folio screen. Whenever you work with guest and/or reservation information in the system, you will therefore see a version of this tool bar. Tool bar buttons which are unique to individual or very few screens are usually indicated with words rather than icons for the button, and tend to be self-explanatory. (If you need more information on a unique button, the Help File topic for the specific screen will discuss the unique tool bar buttons further).
A useful icon found in the tool bar on configuration or maintenance screens. This icon is shown as a representation of a piece of paper (with the top right corner folded over).
If you wish to generate a NEW record, click this icon. This will generate a blank record entry, ready to fill in all the relevant details.
A similar icon to the New icon in a tool bar on configuration or maintenance screens. The New and Replicate icons are always found together. This icon is shown as a representation of a piece of paper (with the top right corner folded over) as well as a smaller, red version of the piece of paper.
This icon allows you to generate a new record that has many similar details to an already existing record, Sometimes, multiple records that differ in only slight ways may be needed. Rather than having to complete ALL details for every new record, the replicate function allows you to generate a record which has the details already completed with the same information. Then simply change the details that differ between this new record and the replicated one.
The most common icon you will come across in a Skyware tool bar is the SAVE icon. This icon may even be found on screens without a tool bar. This icon is shown as a floppy disc.
This icon allows you to save any changes you have made on the current screen. You should always try and remember to click this one before you navigate away from the current screen. (In most cases, Skyware will remind you!)
Note: If a Tool Bar does NOT show the save icon within it, the screen you are viewing is READ ONLY - you cannot make changes to it.
The Undo/Cancel icon appears as the counterpart to the Save icon within tool bars on screens that you may make changes upon, but does NOT appear outside of any tool bar menus, unlike the Save function. This icon is shown as a curved back arrow (pointing to the left).
If you have made any changes in error, and don't want the changes to be applied, you should click this icon. It will cancel the action and return the screen to how it was before you made the change, meaning the screen will not be updated within Skyware.
This icon is shown as a large red "X" and is often seen on configuration or maintenance screens (those with multiple record entries listed on the left, where one record is selected at a time for display).
Note: This does NOT immediately delete the entry. Skyware will ask you if you really want to delete the record, giving you the option to click "OK" or "Cancel". To actually delete the record you will need to also click "OK".
If you wish to delete the currently displayed record (such as a contact or group account entry), simply click the icon.
Note: Like the Save icon, the Delete icon may be also be found in Skyware outside of a tool bar, instead directly to the left or right of a list item added within a section shown on the screen (for example, in the Additional Names section of the Additional Names/Service tab, or the Functions section of the Functions tab on a Folio screen). Clicking the delete button here will immediately remove the item entry from the section.
This is a useful icon found in the tool bar of any screen with multiple record entries listed on the left and allows you to generate a complete list of these entries for easy viewing or printing. (This includes all configuration or maintenance screens, as well as folio or account screens).
Clicking on this icon will open a new separate browser window showing just the left grid section of the screen, with the items ordered and sorted as they appear on the screen being used. From there you can select to save or print it, among other options.
Note: This list will contain ALL entries on one scrollable page, whereas the configuration, maintenance, folio or account screen may show this list broken into multiple pages for ease of use if there are many entries (for example guest information accounts).
The Merge icon is an important icon found in the local toolbar on several of the screens in Skyware, and allows you to merge the current entry with another - useful if you have multiple guest or account records created for the same information, with each having different ID numbers. This icon is shown as a two identical pages with red arrows going between them.
Clicking on this icon will result in a pop up message box where you can enter the details of the ID number for which the current record should be merged with. HOWEVER, this action is PERMANENT, so not to be undertaken lightly.
This icon is found in the local toolbar of any search or account screen (such as the Main Folio screen, Guest Information screen, or Group Account screen), and appears as different versions depending on the guest status, which indicate at a glance any guest that has made a complaint or has a complaint against them.
The Guest Status icon may be shown as one of three different versions.:
Green, smiley face: Everything is good with this particular Guest.
Yellow, unsmiling face: There is a complaint associated with the particular guest.
Red, frowning face: Indicates a severe issue with the guest and that this guest should NOT be rented to (i.e. the Guest has a DNR against them).
Clicking on this icon will open the Complaints screen for that particular Guest account, where you can view any existing complaints, or enter in any complaints against the guest or by the guest against your Property.
The Guest status icon may also be found in many of the search screens which list Guests, as a quick visual indication of the particular Guest's current standing.
The Activity icon may be found in the local toolbar on many of the screens in Skyware and allows you to view the activity log (i.e. any changes that have been made) for the record displayed on the current screen. This icon may be found in MULTIPLE forms on different account or folio tool bars. For example, a folio tool bar will have both stay activity and guest document activity icons, and an account tool bar will have guest activity and guest document activity.
Clicking on this icon will open the Activity log screen for the specific record, which displays a log of all of the activity that has happened. This makes it easy to quickly view what, if any, changes have been made to the current record.
These different activity log icons all display any changes that have been made for the record in question - be that guest account, group folio, documents etc. - by opening the relevant activity log screen. For example, the document activity log of a stay will show any documents that have been sent to the guest (such as a confirmation text, or an emailed signature request or registration card).
The Activity icon is shown as a scroll of paper with words on it.
The Document Activity icon is very similar, and is shown as a scroll of paper with words on it with another single sheet of paper, also with words, in front of it.
The Help icon is found in the local toolbar on many of the screens in Skyware, as well as in the Action Bar at the top of the screen, and allows you to access Skyware's Help Files. This icon is shown as a book with a question mark on the front.
Clicking on this icon will open the Help Topic screen for the current screen.
The Help File will open IN A NEW TAB, and will show the Help Topic for the Skyware screen that you were using. This means that you can switch between the Help File and the Skyware screen you need help with simply by clicking the tabs in your browser.
The Query Builder icon is found in the local toolbar on many of the screens in Skyware, and allows you to create a report using the pertinent information contained in the screen you are on. This icon is shown as a series of green building blocks with a hand assembling them (and is similar in appearance to a bunch of grapes).
Clicking on this icon will open the Query Builder screen for the current screen.
Query Builder is a powerful report writing and data extraction tool that will allow users to create reports from any area within Skyware Systems. These reports can be exported to other applications or used to create mailing labels.
The type of report and information that can be pulled onto a report will depend on the screen that you are on when you access Query Builder.
The Advanced Search icon is found in the local toolbar on many of the screens instead of the Query Builder icon, depending on the type of data the screen holds, and is used for generating reports that can be exported to other applications or used to create mailing labels. The Advanced Search icon is found on screens showing lists of information configured by your Property, such as the Users maintenance screen, the Credit Card numbers (assignments) screen, or the Rate Plan Maintenance screen.
This icon is shown as a magnifying glass with red stars.
Clicking on this icon will open either the Query Builder screen or the Advanced Find/Search screen for the specific screen. These two screens are versions of the same (Query Builder) screen and therefore can provide the same function, but for different categories of data. Whether the Query Builder or Advanced Search icon is used to access the screen depends on where you are in the system.
Several icons on the Folio or Account tool bar are also common to other tool bars within Skyware, and are therefore listed in the "Common Tool Bar Icons" section above. However there are multiple icons for working with guest and/or reservation information in the system that appear on the Account and Folio Tool Bars which becoming familiar with will help you work more easily and efficiently.
The first "unique" icon on the Folio or Account tool bars is the Upload File icon. Using this icon allows you to upload a file/document to attach to the account or to the stay.
The icon is shown as a page or piece of paper with words on, and a large red arrow.
When selected, it opens the "Documents attached to this.... (Stay, Contact or Account)" screen, where you can click the "Choose File" button to select the correct file on your computer, and then click the "Then Press to upload the file" button to add the file to the account or stay. Any files already attached to this account or stay will be shown on this screen; If you want to subsequently remove an attached file from Skyware, just click the "X" next to the file to delete it.
Note: If a file has been uploaded to the account or stay, subsequently the icon will be YELLOW, not white, to indicate that at least one document is attached.
The next icon on the Folio or Account tool bars is the Print/Email Custom Documents icon. Using this icon opens a separate window where you can select a (previously prepared) document to be printed, generated as a pdf or word document, or for emailing.
The icon is shown as a page or piece of paper with words on, next to a printer.
When selected, it opens the separate "Select Document to Print or Email" Skyware window, where you can then scroll down to the appropriate file and click on the desired action to perform.
Note: The email address to be used if emailing the document will be shown near the top of this window, please ensure it is correct before use.
Several icons appear for use with the Folio, or Stay screens, only, as they help organize and deal with the information associated with a reservation - not simply the account associated with the stay.
First of these, we have the Guest Record icon. The icon is shown as an upright, red book with a large red letter on the front.
When selected, it opens the specific guest information account screen for the guest associated with the folio on display.
The next Folio button is represented with words, not an icon, and (depending on if the Folio shown is for an individual or a group), will say Modify Stay or Modify Group.
When selected:
The Modify Stay button opens the Quick Reservation form, allowing you to make any necessary changes to the reservation.
The Modify Group button opens the Group Reservation Wizard, on the first screen, Dates. Move through the wizard and make the necessary changes.
When any changes have been made, click Finish to apply them and the Folio screen will reappear with the updated information.
The next Folio icon, the Check-In Reservation icon, is ONLY available on the expected Arrival Date, and will disappear once more after check-in is complete. This icon is shown as a blue key and if available will appear in the tool bar next to the Modify Stay/Group button.
On an Individual Folio, clicking the Check-In key icon will open the Check-In screen for you to complete the Check-In process; on a Group Master Folio the process is completed automatically when this icon is clicked.
Checking in a Folio changes its status from RESV to FOL (In-House).
The next Folio icon is the Postings icon, which allows you to show or add any Postings to the current Stay Record. This icon is shown as a gold coin (with a figurehead on it).
Click this icon to open the Posting Screen and Statement screen for the currently displayed Folio. where you may view all of the charges that have already been posted, and post new charges.
Note: You can perform several different tasks from the Posting Screen and Statement window, including:
Post charges to the folio .
Print a copy of the Folio statement.
Once the balance is zero, check out that folio.
Transfer postings or the entire balance to another folio.
The next Folio icon is the Go to Group Master icon, and allows for interactions with group master folios. It has slightly different functions depending on if you are viewing an individual folio, or one already associated with a group. This icon is shown as the letters GRP in black, above two red arrows pointing to two green dollar signs.
For an Individual Folio: This icon will allow you to add an individual Folio to a group block. When selected, a pop-up message from Skyware will appear asking "Attach this stay to a Group?" If you DO wish to add it, clicking the "OK" button will then open the Select Group to Attach this Stay to screen, where you can select the desired group. Otherwise, click "Cancel".
For a Folio already associated with a Group: If the Folio is already part of a group, this same icon will directly open the associated Group Master Folio screen when selected.
Note: This icon does NOT appear on the Group Master Folio tool bar, as you cannot add the folio to/from itself.
The next icon is the Remove from Group Master icon, and appears ONLY if you are viewing a folio associated with a group block - if you are viewing an individual Folio, only the Go to Group Master icon will be shown in the tool bar. If it is a group Folio, BOTH icons will be shown. This icon only appears as part of a pair - never alone. This icon is very similar to the Go to Group Master icon, shown as the letters GRP in black, above two red arrows pointing to two green dollar signs, but with a large "X" (delete symbol) superimposed over the whole image.
This icon will allow you to remove a Folio from the current Group Master. If the Folio is not a part of this group, click this icon to remove it. Selecting this icon will cause a pop-up message from Skyware asking "Remove this stay from the Group?" If you DO wish to remove it, clicking the "OK" button will then remove it from the group. Otherwise, click "Cancel".
Note: Like the Go to Group Master icon, this icon also does NOT appear on the Group Master Folio tool bar, as you cannot remove the folio to/from itself.
Instead of the Add/Go to Group Master and Remove from group Master icons, a Group Main Folio may show icons allowing the pick-up and release of non-picked-up rooms from the group block (if any are available). It is recommended that any rooms not picked up from a Group Block within a certain time range of the expected Arrival Date (for example, 3 weeks before) are released back into your general availability.
The icon for Pick Up from this Group is shown as a page with writing on it, with a hand pointing to the page.
This icon allows the Pick-up of a reservation from the Group Block, by clicking this icon in the local tool bar of the relevant Group Main Folio. This opens the Group Reservation Wizard directly for this Folio (no need to complete a search).
The icon for (manually) releasing Un-Picked Up rooms is shown as two blue multi-directional arrows diagonally pointing to a trio of lines.
If used, any rooms that have not been picked up may then be released from the block. When this icon is selected, a pop up window will open, which allows you to release rooms from the Group block by Date, day, or Room Type, and allow you to choose if you wish to release ALL rooms from the block, or a percentage.
The icon for Batch/Rooming List Pick up appears on a Group Master Folio tool bar, and allows you to add or view the rooming list associated with the Group. You may use this icon to see the Rooming List for the Group block at any time. You can also pick up rooms in a BATCH for a Group Block by using the Batch/Rooming List Pick-up icon. . This icon is similar in appearance to that for Pick up from this Group and is shown as multiple pages with writing on them, with a hand pointing to the top page.
Selecting this icon opens the "Batch/Rooming List PickUp" screen, This screen allows you to enter the stay pattern (Dates and Room Type) and the guests that want to pick up rooms against the block within that stay pattern. You can set in your Skyware Systems whom is going to stay in which room of the Group Block, all at once.
This icon allows you to transfer a stay from one guest or group to another directly from the Folio screen. The original stay or booking (and all of it's associated information) will be transferred to the new guest or company, without you having to re-enter it. This icon is shown as two figures, one in red and one in blue, with a large yellow arrow pointing from the red (left) figure to the blue (right) figure.
Selecting this icon will open the "Select/Create Guest to Transfer to" screen, where you can either search for a guest already in your system, or enter the details of a new guest for this stay to be attached to. Once this has been done, clicking the orange button will open the folio screen once again, now with the information attached to the new guest account.
Another icon associated only with the Folio screens is the Cancel this Reservation icon, which allows you to cancel the reservation for the folio you are viewing. Reservations with a Balance cannot be canceled. The icon will ONLY appear if the reservation is able to be canceled. This icon is shown as a clipboard holding a piece of paper, with a large red "X" on the page.
Click this icon to open the Cancel Stay screen. Use this screen to cancel the reservation (and enter information on why it is being canceled),
Note: The Folio record will NOT be removed from the system, instead its status will be changed to CANC.
An icon associated with both the Folio screens and the Account screens is the Modify Rates icon. However, its function does differ a little between the screens. This icon is shown as a green paper money note.
On a Folio screen: Click this icon to open the Rate Definition screen, where you can modify the rate to be used for the particular stay ONLY.
On an Account screen: Click this icon to open the Negotiated Rates screen, where you can add or modify a negotiated rate associated with the particular account. These rates will carry over to stays whenever the account record is associated with a stay.
Another Folio only icon is the Copy this Stay icon. Essentially, this feature provides a quick way to generate a new reservation using the information from an existing reservation, for a different guest or group, or to different dates for the same guest or group. (This icon acts for an entire stay in a similar way as the common icon Replicate does for any record, duplicating the details). This icon is shown as two pages or pieces of paper with words on, one a (blue) duplicate of the other.
Selecting this icon first opens a pop-up message asking for the new arrival date for the copy. If you DO wish to copy this reservation, enter the NEW Arrival Date (YYYY-MM-DD) to open the Quick Reservation form with a copy of the information for the reservation already entered. Create a new reservation by making the necessary changes to the pre-entered information. Then, after saving, the folio screen will open, now displaying the NEW stay with the new information and a new confirmation number.
The Special Requests/Preferences icon is common to both accounts and folio tool bars, and allows you to attach items or arrangements that are not generally offered as standard at your Property (but are available), to a guest account or an individual stay (folio). This icon is shown as a page and a magician's wand next to it, sparkling.
Selecting this icon opens the "Special Requests/Preferences" screen. Any Special Requests or Preferences already added will be shown. You can check all of the appropriate special requests, and free form type any notes about the guest's preferences.
Note: Any special requests or preferences added via the Folio affect that stay ONLY. Those attached to the account will automatically be added to ALL future stays for the guest, Special requests or preferences may be added to BOTH the guest account and the folio for the stay.
The next Folio icon is the Registration Card icon, which allows you to print a registration card for the specific stay directly from the Folio screen, for your guest to sign. This icon is shown as a pair of hands, one holding a pen, and the letters REG in red.
Click the Registration Card icon to open the Registration Card in a separate browser window. You may then print the Registration Card using the Browser's Print command.
Note: It is possible to print registration cards as a batch, rather than individually, allowing all registration cards for guests arriving on a specific day to be printed, but not using this icon.
This icon is seen on the Folio tool bar if your Property employs electronic signatures for registration cards, and allows you to activate the electronic signature capture machine for the guest to sign, then save a copy of the signature for your records.
This may be used in addition or instead of a paper registration card.
This icon appears on the Folio tool bar next to the electronic signature icon, and allows you to use the device camera (if your device has one) to take and upload an image to associate with a contact or stay (such as a picture of the guest's face or their drivers license).
The image taken using the Camera Snap Shot icon is saved for viewing on the Documents attached to this... (Contact or Stay) screen, which is reached via the Upload File icon. The image will also be shown on the quick reservation screen (at the bottom) for any corresponding stay.
On the Folio tool bar, after the registration card icon will be the Confirmation Card icon, which allows you to print a confirmation card for the specific stay directly from the Folio screen, showing the stay details (confirmation number, number of rooms, room type, adults/youths/children, dates of stay, advanced deposit and deposit due date, guests name and address). This icon is shown as a pair of pages, both with a large letter "C" in red.
Click the Confirmation Card icon to open the Confirmation Card in a separate browser window. You may then print the confirmation card using the Browser's Print command.
Note: Similar to registration cards, It is possible to print confirmation cards as a batch, rather than individually, allowing all confirmation cards for guests arriving on a specific day to be printed, but not using this icon.
Next on the Folio tool bar is the e-mail the confirmation card icon, which allows you to e-mail a confirmation card for the specific stay to the guest. This icon is shown as an open envelope.
Selecting this icon will send an e-mail to the guest with the confirmation card.
Note: Be sure that a valid e-mail address is included in the Guest Information otherwise the function will not work, instead you will see an error message (for example "Error sending E-Mail (The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address.)!").
An icon seen on both the Folio and Account tool bars is the Sales Calls icon. A Sales Call is a record of any interaction you have with a guest or company contact. Sales calls should be added for any type of activity, allowing you to always have a record of what transpires between users at your Property and the contact. This icon is shown as a red rotary style telephone.
Selecting this icon will open the "Sales Call For ..." screen, where you may select the record you wish to edit, or generate a new entry.
The next icon that may be seen on the Folio or Account tool bars is the Sales Calls Report icon. This icon will ONLY be available if there has been any Sales Calls activity entered. This icon is shown as a red rotary style telephone with note pages.
Selecting this icon will open the "Sales Calls Report" screen, where you have several options to select how the report will be displayed, and which filters will be applied to the information shown on it.
Another icon seen on the Folio or Account tool bars is the Tasks icon. Tasks are actions undertaken at your Property in relation to the specific account or folio shown, that are not a typical part of your daily general Property management. This icon is shown as a clipboard with a large check-mark on it.
Selecting this icon will open the "Tasks For..." screen, with the display split into two frames, the left side of the screen listing any already configured Tasks and the right side containing the fields you need to complete in order to add or edit a Task.
Note: Tasks are considered to be actions or jobs that need to be taken care of by a selected user for an Account, Booking, Guest, Stay etc. An assigned task will appear on the users trace list. Examples of tasks would be “Get rooming list”, “Create BEO’s”, “Get guaranteed numbers for meals”, etc.
The next icon, seen on the Folio tool bar, is the Repeat icon. This icon allows you to generate new occurrences of the particular stay on a regular basis (daily, weekly, monthly repeats). This icon is shown as two blue arrows, one the inverse of the other, forming a circle.
Selecting this icon will open the "Stay Generator" screen, where you can specify the start and end date of the recurrence pattern, and if it is to be daily, weekly or monthly.
This icon is seen on both the Folio and Account tool bars, and is the Send Custom Text icon. It allows you send a customized text to the guest associated with the specific folio or account. The icon is shown as a chat bubble with lines inside it.
Selecting this icon will open the a pop-up message window with a field for typing in, asking for you to "Enter custom Text to send". Type in the message you wish to be sent to the telephone number entered for the guest associated with the specific folio or account.
Note: Be sure that there is an associated telephone number, otherwise the function will not work, instead you will see an error message.
Date Updated November 26, 2024